Contact Us
Business Address(Required)
Is your business located in an urban, suburban, or rural community?(Required)
Is your business located on a main street or downtown location in your community?(Required)
Preferred Get Connected Vendor(Required)
Do you have an existing website?(Required)
Does product/pricing exist online?(Required)
Does your business have all applicable licenses/registrations to sell products in Pennsylvania and other states?(Required)
Is your small business considered a disadvantaged business enterprise?(Required)
Is you business considered a family business or passed down from prior generations?(Required)
Do you have website log ins?(Required)
Do you have a domain and hosting provider?(Required)
Is your domain registered?(Required)
Is your business using a third-party e-commerce platform? Example firms include Shopify, Etsy, Grubhub?(Required)
Do you currently use social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter) to market your business?(Required)
Are you using web analytics on your website?(Required)
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