• Post category:At Work

Dunmore Hospitality Group, Inc. received a Small Business Administration 504 loan through the NEPA Alliance Business Finance Corporation for the refinance of commercial real estate and furniture fixtures & equipment at the 1226 O’Neill Highway, Dunmore, PA 18512 location.

Dunmore Hospitality Group, Inc. is majority owned and operated by Hament Patel.  The location operates as a limited service, 4-story, 75-guest room hotel in Lackawanna County directly off of Exit 188 on Interstate 81.  Using the SBA 504 Loan Program, Dunmore Hospitality Group, Inc. was able to refinance their conventional commercial mortgage with an extended term loan on the SBA 504 portion of the financing. This debt refinance project was completed in partnership with The Dime Bank for the overall financing.

NEPA Alliance is a full service economic development lender offering twelve (12) low interest loan programs for job creation and job retention in our region.

Pictured from left: Donovan Klem, NEPA Alliance; James Urso, NEPA Alliance; Bill Davis, Representative Kyle Mullins’ Office; Jeffrey Box, NEPA Alliance; Jack McNulty, NEPA Board of Directors; Jament Patel, Dunmore Hospitality Group Inc., Brian Doughton, Senator Marty Flynn’s Office; John Blake, Congressman Matt Cartwright’s Office; Chase Holl, Dime Bank and Maurice Dennis Dime Bank.